What do you need?
We can help you for sure
We solve your project’s special features with the highest performance and a high level of adaptability. We are specialists and we speak the same language.
After more than 30 years of experience, we know what you need in each project. Shall we start?
We make your job easier.
Quick and problem-solving after-sales service.
We are here to make your job easier. We put at your service a great team of multidisciplinary experts and R+D+i, to give you the support you have always wanted. We provide you with technical, regulatory and commercial advice, and put in your hands the most complete range of tools and services.
What do you need?
We can help you for sure.
We solve your project’s special features with the highest performance and a high level of adaptability. We are specialists and we speak the same language.
After more than 30 years of experience, we know what you need in each project. Shall we start?
We make your job easier.
Quick and problem-solving after-sales service.
We are here to make your job easier. We put at your service a great team of multidisciplinary experts and R+D+i, to give you the support you have always wanted. We provide you with technical, regulatory and commercial advice, and put in your hands the most complete range of tools and services.
Get the perfect solution with outstanding service
Eco Design
Eco-efficient design tailored to your needs.
Energy efficiency.
Minimum environmental impact, supported by the use of more environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable raw materials.
Planning tools.
We help you by making your job easier.
Connected lifts service.
Vanguard and technology at your service.
Technical advice.
Regulatory and commercial in the management of projects.
Online spare parts shop.
To ensure a comfortable, agile and easy supply of spare parts.
Get the perfect solution with outstanding service
Eco Design
Eco-efficient design tailored to your needs.
Energy efficiency.
Minimum environmental impact, supported by the use of more environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable raw materials.
Planning tools.
We help you by making your job easier.
Connected lifts service.
Vanguard and technology at your service.
Technical advice.
Regulatory and commercial in the management of projects.
Online spare parts shop.
To ensure a comfortable, agile and easy supply of spare parts.
What do you need in your new project?
We have the perfect type of lift for you
New buildings? Here’s the solution you’re looking for
We accompany you from the beginning to the end of your project
We put at your disposal our engineering team to form a winning team.
Vertical traffic studies for sizing the necessary units and their characteristics.
Regulatory and Certification Studies that guarantee the safety of our designs.
Application of FEM Method to the design of structural elements that optimize our products.
Design of customized finish with 3D car images: any idea becomes reality.
Vibroacoustic analysis: a comfortable use is one of the main requirements in our designs.
MP Ecoenergy Engineering Service, responsible for the environment. Energy studies for each project. We give you the best solution adapted to each case to obtain the maximum reduction of energy consumption.
Specific software design and application: adapted to each project.
Remote control systems: customized designs for each specific need.
Technical-commercial offers with installation drawings: all the information you need to start the process.
Customized drawings and projects: we provide service and solution to the most demanding requirements.
Advice on BREAAM certification, LEED certification, and other energy improvement processes in your new project.
It is the technology that allows the lift to communicate, offering real-time information about its use and its status.
Aesthetics: endless possibilities for your projects
Discover our range of cars, operating panels and LOP,
and use our CarDesigner to design your project’s car yourself.
We provide you with tools that give you autonomy and allow you to provide a better service to your client,
helping you with various tasks and phases of your projects.
Design, customize and 3D display your car.

Installation drawings with indications for the work.

Elevator floor drawings.

Ordering tool for complete elevator. Easy and smart ordering.

Configuration and monitoring applications for MP ecoGO controller on PC, updates.

It is a tool that eases placing component orders.

It calculates energy consumption and provides a VDI report based on usage category.

Analysis and calculation of vertical traffic in buildings to estimate the number of lifts needed.

Design, customize and 3D display your car.

Installation plans with indications for the work.

Elevator floor plans.

Ordering tool for full elevator. Easy and smart ordering.

Configuration and monitoring applications for MP ecoGO operation on PC, updates.

It is a tool that eases placing component orders.

It calculates energy consumption and provides a VDI report based on usage category.

Analysis and calculation of vertical traffic in buildings to estimate the number of elevators needed.