We speak your language:
you put the project and we create the solution

What are you looking for?


You need more than an lift:
you need to make your life easier

Someone who works with you side by side. Someone who speaks your own language.
Able to design and manufacture with you the best solution. We’re here to help you


MP Technology:
Intelligence, strength and beauty at your service

Aesthetics: endless possibilities for your projects

Discover our range of cars, operating panels and landings,
and use our CarDesigner to design your project’s car yourself.

In 30 years, we have done jobs like this with
people like you.

We have the capacity and motivation to accompany you in your projects, whether large or small, and turn them into something exceptional.
Check out some of our references!

We are here to help you
Write us or call (34) 902 197 277

We’re your master move,
your smart choice.

We’re your master move,
your smart choice.